Fluffle Puff Stuff

♥ Hello! I'm an animator named Fluffle Puff. ♥
♥ I'm mostly known for my animations about a character also named Fluffle Puff lol ♥
♥ I'm not very social or involved in communities anymore. I just upload things and keep to myself, mostly on Discord. ♥

♥ Fluffle Stuff ♥

♥ Art Archives ♥

♥ Social Groups ♥

♥ Help Me With Stuff ♥

General Idea for Commissioning Me:

Commissioning me is more of collaboration between us than just throwing money at me for a gif.
I require a lot of communicating and details to bring your ideas to life.
The more we talk, the faster and more detailed I can translate your idea into animation.
And the better I can give you a proper estimate for price before I start.
Animation has far too many variables to have a set price.
Like, if I were to do the same waving animation for two different characters, their appearances alone could impact the time to animate. Even something as simple as longer hair or tattoos or even clothes. Every little detail of a character is its own unique workload.
All that being said, there are two options.

My more preferred option, is if you have an already drawn picture or even your own art you want to see animated. This is much easier and even more enjoyable for me.
An example would be if you have a picture of your character, I could redo the entire thing in Adobe Animate and add blinking or subtle movements or whatever you'd like.
Doesn't have to be a completed reference, either. I can even work from a simple sketch.
But I will need the artist's permission to use their art as a base.
This option will start at $50 per second of animation as a base price and increase as work is needed.
A few examples would be these, which ranged from $60 to $80.
Which were made from simple, rough, uncolored sketches.

Alternatively is my own style, that I use in my Floof n Friends series.
I will admit, this original style animation is very tedious for me.
It requires a lot of prep work, model creation, asset building, and so on.
So, for this option, my general estimate is about $150 per second of animation as a base, and we'll work from there to figure out the final price.
Which admittedly tends to go up in price fairly quickly, as I need to create everything from scratch rather than having a completed concept or artwork to use as a base, like the above option.
But an example for this option would be this YCH, which is still available:

My Do's and Don'ts:

Will Do's:
Mostly anything.
I especially like playful and cute ideas.
But I just enjoy working with others and bringing their characters and ideas to life as best I can, whether they're and innocent girl scout selling cookies or a gun pew pewing cool gal.
As long as it's positive and fun. ♥

Won't Do's:
Aggressive Violence.
Strong Fetishes.
Hate or Spite Art.
Abuse and Mean Things.
Stuff like that.
It's not so much the NSFW nature but more of if I'm comfortable with the idea or not.
Even nudity and guns can be okay with me.
But I do not support any sort of negative or hurtful actions against others. ♥

Grumpy Legal Stuff:

♥ Paypal Only Please♥ I reserve the right to decline any request.
Sometimes it could be as simple as I might not have the time or experience.
♥ I reserve the right to change the price.
Depending on the difficulty of the idea and character designs, it may take more work to complete than originally estimated.
♥ Refunds will be handled by how much work I've completed.
Animation can easily take days.
I am not refunding you for days, or even weeks, of my life that I will never get back.
If you need to cancel the project, do so as quickly as possible.
♥ Any major changes after I begin will cost extra.
Every little change you make, I will have to go back and redo animation, frames, or entire scenes.
That is a lot of extra work that I will not do for free.
Make sure what you ask for is what you want before I start.
♥ If you want me to animate someone else's work, I will need their permission.
No excuses.
♥ You cannot redistribute, resell, merchandise, or profit off my work.
No NFTs, no recoloring, no editing, and so on either.
All I'm asking is to respect the time of my life I used to create your idea.
I'm pretty laid back. If you want changes or updates, we can always talk.
Most of time it might even be for free.

If you are okay with all of this, or even have questions, feel free to DM me on Twitter or find me in my Discord group. ♥